Refer to pages 5-189 to 5-192 of the RLL section on the DL06 user manual for the “PRINT†instruction that will send data out the port 2.
The procedure should be:
1) Using DirectSoft32 – choose the plc menu, setup, then setup secondary comm port.
2) Select port 2
3) Select non-sequence.
4) Uncheck the xon/xoff and rts flow control boxes.
5) Time outs and delay times are unneeded.
6) Set data bits to 8
7) Set baud to 1200
8) Set stop bits to 1
9) Set parity to none.
10) Memory address is up to you.
11) Click the send to cpu button (below the close button).
12) Insert a new contact instruction on the rung - probably a off-to-on transition contact as shown.
13) Insert print instruction- setup for K2
14) Setup the print instruction with “$02001234$03â€.
15) Run the plc after programming – all the cells should show 1234.
16) Basically, the string is “$02[AA][NNNN]$03†– where [AA] is the 2-digit address, and [NNNN] is a 4-digit number.
17) For decimal numbers out of a register – use the V codes as shown. IE. “$0201†V2000 “$03†– (spaces before and after V2000). This should show the number out of register V2000 to cell/address #1. Change the “01†to different addresses as needed.
18) There are other options for the V codes - using BCD and double-registers as shown.