Drivers for the ED2150 USB to RS232 communication device. Zip File ...
Updated Ethernet Adaptor (P/N ED2150) documentation. ATC-1200 Single Port RS-232/422/485 to Ethernet Converter The ATC-1200 is a cost effective and highly integrated Serial-to-Ethernet Converter...
This .pdf describes setting up the static IP address and configuring the ATC-1000 Ethernet adapter. Used for our Ethernet input displays....
ED3150 Serial to USB Communication Device Manual. Used for Windows 10. Used to update time and locations on time zone displays. ...
This .pdf shows the serial to USB communication device (EDV3150) that allows communication from a PC / laptop to a digital time zone display using Windows 10....
Attached are the Drivers and a Setup Guide for the ED3150 serial to USB adapter. Downloads for Windows 7 and 8 and Vista. ...
When using a serial Converter with 9 pins in and 4-wire terminal out the following should be observed. 1) For short distances (i.e. less than 10 ft.) A small gauge Wire is fine (20 gauge and up) 2) Fo...