This .zip file includes software to control EDI's scrolling / moving message displays using Excel polling software....
A .zip file including the software, wiring and manual for the XR series matrix. Added 3-2-12....
This software download will take the time from your PC and transmit it to our time-of-day clocks or Time Zone displays....
Version 2 - Software to calibrate EDI's line of analog to digital converter systems. Requires serial input (RS232) into the analog to digital circuit board. For model 105. -Updated on 10/1/10...
.Zip file for the Version 2.1 for the alpha-numeric time zone system. 6 time fields....
PC Software for Model ED100-3C-2011-N1-ETH Tri-Color Message Sign (.zip file)...
Software to be used with Excel to send data to LED message signs....
Software and .pdf manuals for the EDI Matrix products....
this program is used for the ED101 Ethernet clocks...